Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Prevent Night Time GERD

There's tons of suggestions out there on how to prevent night time GERD.  Just know, I find that by preventing night time GERD, you can wake up to a GERD free morning too.

So here are some of the suggestions I've found out there:

1. Eat your big meal at lunch instead of at dinnertime.

This is very important to make sure you digest your food before sleep.  Going to bed with a full belly is a guaranteed way of not getting a good night sleep.

2. Eat at least two to three hours before lying down.

This will give you time to digest and go to bed with an empty stomach.

3. Avoid foods that are known to lead to heartburn.  Some foods to avoid: chocolate, mint, citrus, tomatoes, pepper, vinegar, catsup, and mustard.

Consider a high protein and low carbohydrate diet.  I'm now on a paleo diet.

4. Eliminate late-night snacking.

This has been extremely hard for me.  I use to do most of my eating as night time snacking.  Just take a look at how I got here. The thing is, that every little bit of food and liquid (including water) needs to be digested and in order to have a good night sleep most of your digestion has to be done before hand.

5. Sleep with your head and shoulder on an incline.

I raised the head of my bed by 4 inches.  I have read in many places that this helps by relieving pressure from your esophagus.  Gravity is a great thing for us GERD sufferers.

6. Sleep on your left side.

I prefer to sleep on my back, but I have found that sleeping on my right side doesn't feel as comfortable.

7. Make sure your bed clothes are loose-fitting.

This really applies to everything.  Forget the tight clothes, they restrict everything in your body. Loose clothing helps your body's circulation.

8. Stop smoking.

Considering all the other problems that smoking causes, this is just not a surprise.

9. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated drinks.

This is quite painful.  It means no going out to bars, unless it's to drink water, and no morning coffee.

10. Eat your food slowly.

I find this is very helpful.  I use a small teaspoon, cut my food into tiny pieces, and make sure I pay attention to what I'm eating and how I'm eating.  For this, you may need to turn the TV off while eating.  Just pay attention, slow it down, and chew a lot.

11. Eat smaller portions.  

I think I've cut my food portions by more than half.  Sometimes it's because I really can't eat any more.  Smaller portions will help you not over eat, which very important in controlling your GERD.

12. Avoid fatty/greasy foods. Try lean meats.

I mostly only eat poultry and fish now.  I'm not looking forward to this summer though, because I've always enjoyed a big burger. I've just found that everything to control grease.  I find that eating greasy food will give me what I call my "GERD attack," which is sudden shortness of breath and painful bloating and burping.

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