Monday, June 10, 2013

GERD Hell / Symptoms / Suffering

So my Nexium medication ran out, except for 1 pill I had in my bag, a few weeks ago.  I took my last capsule on a Thuraday.  I went out with friends that night.  I tried to be good but we ate quite late.

The next day I felt ok.  Saturday was not too bad, but I started to feel like I couldn't eat as much.  By Sunday, I was already feeling stomach distress.  That Thursday I had to take off work.  I was trying hard to keep things under control.  I ate tiny meals, every two hours.  But at some point it wasn't enough.  I was quite weak.  I weighed myself and I had lost almost 4 pounds in what was about 7 days.  That's virtually impossible for me.  I rushed to get Pedyalite.  I recommend Pedialyte for anyone that thinks they might be dehydrated.  It works fast, and to me, it doesn't taste horrible, bad yes, but not horrible.

It was probably Friday, so 1 week after I quit Nexium that the pain started.  It's hard to describe pain that never goes away.  I had the following symtoms:

Stomach pain
Stomach burning
Head pressure (from the back of my head to my skull)
Shortness of breath
Constantly clearing my throat
Taste of acid in the back of my throat or slowly rising from my stomach
Painful bloating for hours
Extreme weakness
Sore Throat
Constant burping (particularly after eating or drinking)

I rarely felt hungry because I was in almost constant pain.  It was agonizing that when I did feel hunger, I was too scared to eat.  I knew I had to, so I forced myself to eat, but always with the same consequences.  Worse, even water made me sick!!

I realized after the first few days of being at home that whenever I drank water with my meal: before, during, or immediately after, I felt the acid in my stomach rising up my esophagus.  This is torture because I love water.  I only drink water or alcohol.  So, I did some researched and found out that  water is actually not good to have during meals if you have GERD.

As soon as I read this, I stopped drinking water, which did cut down on my feeling all the acid flowing up my esophagus.  However, I needed to do more, and so I set out to look on the internet for natural ways of curing/treating my GERD.

1 comment:

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